The Great Setup Search for Violinists and Violists: Part 1 kayleigh millerOctober 14, 2019setup, violin, viola, shoulders, instrumental, music instructionComment
Roll it Out kayleigh millerSeptember 30, 2019self care, shoulders, ball rolling, self massage, yoga tune up, upper backComment
What are your scapulae doing in a push up? kayleigh millerFebruary 13, 2018shoulders, protraction, push up, chaturanga, scapula, serratus, anatomyComment
Why It's Ok to Skip the Chaturangas Sometimes kayleigh millerFebruary 12, 2018yoga, alignment, shoulders, chaturanga, pain Comments
Rethinking Headstand kayleigh millerJanuary 22, 2018yoga, head, vertebrae, pain, shoulders, headstand, neck Comments