Where has MHC been?

Some of you may have noticed that there has been a dearth of new blogs here on the MHC site.  Let me clarify why: although the title indicates that many people in fact contribute to this blog, it's all run by one person: me, a violist in a full time symphony/pilates+yoga+yoga tune up teacher, who sometimes gets overwhelmed with my work.  In addition, when I have big concerts or auditions coming up, I lose the creative writing spirit.  More importantly, I've been grappling with some big issues in the past few months: with new threats to arts funding and orchestral stability, I've been trying to clarify how I can best use this blog to serve both the musicians, educators, and students of the world, but also promote the value of music and arts education, and the value of the arts in general.  I clearly have not answered this question yet, but it's been percolating.  I was reminded at an audition this past week that there is value to this blog- when other musicians ask about my writing or contact me about health issues, I remember that this knowledge is valuable and relevant, even if there are large social and political issues facing this country.  More than that, thanks to all of you who have recently discovered this blog, shared it, or contacted me.  In looking at my analytics yesterday, I realized that readers from all over the world read this blog, including from Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Finland, Norway, Denmark, New Zealand, South Africa, Trinidad, Germany, Italy, Thailand, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan, Cambodia, and Myanmar.  Last week was also the quiet third anniversary of the blog- 2016 was an incredibly fruitful year, with over 45,000 views.  Thanks so much to all of you who read, especially those I've never met.  Expect some new blogs and interviews to come soon, and thanks for your patience and support!


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