Letter from the editor


Welcome and thanks for checking us out!  My personal interest in health began with many subsequent injuries, mostly unrelated to music.  From bruising my coccyx (falling off a chair) to tearing a meniscus (bike accident) to having a sensitive Sacro-iliac joint, I've had a series of mishaps that have forced me to reevaluate my setup, my posture, my practice tendencies, and my daily schedule.  I've experimented with diet and exercise as a way to strengthen and stretch my body, and learned a lot in the process.  My hope is to share my own personal experiences as a yoga instructor and violist, as well as the knowledge, research, and expertise of our other writers on the subject of musicians' health.

I hope to expand our articles in the upcoming months to include interviews, anatomy, fitness features, and conversations with educators.  This project came out from realizing that few musicians actually have a bio-mechanical understanding of how their bodies work, despite honing small muscle memory, listening skills, and complex tasks.  My hope is to expand our readers' knowledge base, while addressing pertinent issues, and offering reputable and safe information from professional in various fields. 


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