Closed Chain Vs. Open Chain Movements, Applied To Music kayleigh millerApril 13, 2016teaching, children, viola, violin, closed chain, open chainComment
Eustress, I stress, We All Stress- And We Adapt To It kayleigh millerApril 4, 2016stress, stress management, eustress, Hans Selye, general adaptation syndrome Comment
Psychological Stress Vs. Mechanical Stress: What's the Difference and Is it always bad? kayleigh millerMarch 29, 2016stress, mechanical stress, hans selye, distress, eustress, strain Comment
The Art of Failure and Resilience: Speaking with Barbara Bogatin, Part 2 tissue issues, interviewkayleigh millerMarch 18, 2016interview, barbara bogatin, cellist, meditation, mindfulness, celloComment
The Art of Failure and Resilience: Speaking to Cellist Barbara Bogatin Part 1 interviewkayleigh millerMarch 13, 2016interview, cellist, meditation, barbara bogatin, resilience, art of failure, symphony, san franciscoComment